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Николай Левашов вся правда о сущности и разуме
Социальные паразиты, контролируя СМИ и навязавши разные культы и учения, контролируют наши разумные сознания. Сделали из творцов потребителей. Прогноз состояния общества Николай Левашов вся правда о сущности и разуме.
Прогнозы на 2009 год, ненависть к режиму одновременно и рабочих, и капиталистов
2009 год станет временем девальвации рубля. Массовая безработица обеспечена, как ненависть к режиму одновременно и рабочих, и капиталистов.Обама начнет третью мировую.
Контактёры, через этих людей зомби как способ получить послушных, управляемых рабов,
Контактёры. Мнимые люди-зомби или продажа души? хороший способ иметь послушных, управляемых рабов, которых можно иметь бесчетное количество раз.
Secret, forecasts, articles Masonic
Secret articles, the Morals, honesty is a biology. The forecast for 2009. The spring of 2009, becomes for all the next example of Masonic treachery.
Мироой кризис, - монетизация долга ФРС США
Федеральный резерв монетизирует долг Государственного Казначейства США, и делает это открыто!!!
Инверсия Магнитных Полюсов Земли
Кора Земли резко проскользнёт на 90 градусов относительно Оси вращения Земного Ядра. И как только ПыХа начнёт удирать и ослабит свои Магнитные присоски с Коры Земли, то Ядро Земли тут же сцепится со Своей Корой и постепенно начнёт раскручивать Кору в том же направлении в котором вращается само Ядро и Магнитные Силовые Линии Ядра выскочат далеко наружу в Космическое пространство. Ось вращения останется на своём месте и Выходы Магнитных Силовых Линий Земли останутся на прежних местах, только Кора Земли переместится.
Воздействия пророчеств, конкретные предсказанные даты.
Точно датированное будущее несет только вред его душе. Тот, для кого Творец – большой пустой звук, не может вместить этого по определению. Тот же, кто к Творцу не равнодушен, сознает, что он в этом мире не случайно. Две вещи – свободная воля и разум – даны людям также не случайно. Это богоподобные атрибуты, которые и делают нас образом и подобием Творца.
Вся правда о планете Х, - Нибиру, Немезида, Планета Икс (Планета-Х).
Она Нибиру, Немезида, Планета Икс (Планета-Х), - никакая не планета, естественно, а это мертвая звезда, нейтронная звезда, которая вращается, в момент взрыва ее орбита изменилась, деформация пространства прошлого означила, по очень вытянутой эллиптической орбите, ее период обращения был 3600 лет.
Критика Н.Левашова. Николай Левашов, кто он шарлатан или гений?
"Не стоит вслепую верить всему, что вы услышали, прочитали из иных источников. Если вам повезет, то вы находитесь в одном с Левашовым мире, и тогда его инфа вам пригодится. Но если не повезло, то возможно возникновение областей, где ваш личный опыт будет противоречить опыту Левашова, областей, где законы природы будут отличаться от законов природы мира Левашова." Смирнов.
С исчезновением русских как народа возобладает Всемирное рвачество. Далее - смерть.
Погибнут все... И планета. Это предупреждение от лидера ЛДПР Владимира Жириновского. русские учёные, физиологи и лингвисты совершили почти невозможное – извлекли из-под тысячелетий лжи засверкавшую правду истории. Это прежде всего Г.Н. Бренёв, П.П. Орешкин, А.Т. Фоменко, Ю.Д. Петухов, В.А. Чудинов, О.М. Гусев, исследователи «Влесовой книги».
Кургинян «Суть Времени» | Аналитика, прогнозы, политика.
Телепередача «Суть времени» | Кургинян , — антишоу. Это не шоу, тут надо думать и размышлять над происходящем. Сергей Кургинян, прогнозы, аналитика происходящего в России и Мире.
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«  Январь 2009  »
нравственность честность лидер барак обама москва 2009 хаос правительство Петров обман levashov Врата Междумирья Зомби прогнозы Шанс коба разум мышление раса предсказания закон иллюзия Космоэнергетика магия Мошенники ФРС США AMERO Амеро украина КРЫМ правда выбор Дух времени Идея США русские Николай Левашов сущность мозг сознание Разумное душа создатель апокалипсис власть мир АтмосферА змея пространство Америка Европа Африка катастрофа экономика Кудрин Афера масоны человек Путин Медведев еврей иудеи сионисты война евреи народ Жид Россия ксенофобия земля Н.Левашов Мидгард-Земля Нибиру звезду Немезида планета Смерти планета-Х КОБ 2012 латонного отражение перехода Поля Проект Россия 2012 год градус волосатость Глобальные катастрофы передел сфер влияния Приемник природные аномалии Солнце Высшие зло начало Суда пацаны пророчества время сатана 33 градус дельта дьявол звезда Давида потусторонний мир история Ю.Бабиков вспышки революция человечество Миссия В.В.Путин президент Ю.А.Бабиков Администрация А.Собчак А.Чубайс еврейское лобби ложи РФ 2009 год Солнце. Freeglobus перемены раскачка земли 2009 год доллар кризис Цена нефть Кора Солнца космос Библейские картинки Доту Е. Блаватскую Е.И.Рерих К.П.Петров КПЕ Ночь Сварога видео Н.Левашов Границы Миров ложь Темные силы Тёмные силы «черные» технологии медитация психоэнергетика Иерархи zolotorjov катаклизмы Англия Декабрь Инверсия Кора Земли Магнитные Силовые Линии еврейская империя Инсайдер конец света Люцифер дефляция доктор философии инфляция Мартин Д. Веисс воля новые даты. Враг вспышка солнца геомагнитные плиты Земли мировоззрение путешествия во времени Дефицит рублей концепция кризис потребления М.Хазин levashov.info социальные паразиты видео Нимизида Планета Х - Nibiru (Нибиру) законы природы противоречие пьяница В.В.Жириновский лжец Сергей Кургинян Кургинян Русский Сталин землетрясения духовность Бабиков матрицы «социальных паразитов» Вселенная глобальное потепление Игры США метеорологическое оружие венецианский купец Глеб Павловский монтизация долга безработица в США kurginyan.ru Видео Кургинян
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Главная » 2009 » Январь » 30 » higher purpose man - DEATH! Sorry, not just rights but HRISTIANINA! We have children and grandchildren Dazhdboga!
higher purpose man - DEATH! Sorry, not just rights but HRISTIANINA! We have children and grandchildren Dazhdboga!
higher purpose man - DEATH! Sorry, not just rights but HRISTIANINA!
higher purpose man - DEATH! Sorry, not just rights but HRISTIANINA!

We have children and grandchildren Dazhdboga!
We have children and grandchildren Dazhdboga!

«YAV - it is physically tight world
NAV - is the world of the dead;
LAW - Svetlyh world of the Gods, the universal law that established Dazhdbogom, the embodiment of truth and wisdom.
Every creature on earth, staying in was shown, will perform LAW itself becoming a part of it.

The meaning of residence of every person on earth - as istorgnutym of the non-existence by the will of the divine rights, to return to her life when trying to climb up the ladder of perfection and righteousness »(« House Svaroga », Dictionary of Slavic mythology, www.swarog.ru).

For example, in Slavic mythology, the Slavic Vedic tradition, which is why it is called «pagan», defined concept of the right.

kosmoenergetika VA Petrova. What kind of curious students kosmoenergetiki gone! To give a complete picture of the concept of «Orthodoxy», turn to the Slavs Ariyskim Vedam:

«... We - Orthodox, because we are right and the glory celebrate. We know we are truly the right - the Gods of our world Svetlyh and fame - Shining World, where live the Great and Mnogomudrye our ancestors.

We - Slavs, for the glory of our pure heart all Svetlyh Ancient Gods and Svyatomudryh of our ... »(« Slavs Ariyskie Vedas », Third Book, Part One, 17 pp., 2000, Publishing House« Arcor », Omsk , ISBN 5-89115-014-X.)

Thus, the concept of «ORTHODOX» existed and exists only in Russian VEDICHESKOY Tradition and no relation to Christianity is not. And there was this Vedic tradition for many thousands of years before the advent of Christianity!

And thirdly, let us explain how such a «spirit» has a Christian?

From the cradle Christian cram the idea that he - the BRA, a servant of God, a servant of the King-Emperor, a servant of the Lord! It is in such a hierarchical

sequence, the man in the head vbivaetsya concept of RABSKOY SHARE! And as if this man vnushaetsya thought that he should humbly accept all the hardships of their

life, all the humiliation, insult, humbly look when he robbed, he picked up the fruits of his labor, rape and kill his daughters and wife! For all - WILL BOZHYA!

The priest always explain pravovernomu Christian, that everything that happens to him, there is a payoff for his sins, and we should humbly accept Karu God! And if people do not

committed any sins, then the priest will find another answer to explain what happened. And tell that person the Lord God sends test its strength

faith, and if he humbly take these tests do not yield their pride, then the LORD God will take him to paradise in heaven, where it will be eternal life, and where the river from dairy kiselnymi shores ...

Therefore, «sinner», and «righteous», promised paradise of heaven after death! One because he redeemed his «sin», the other - because he was testing his strength of faith! Does not that well thought of!

Higher destination for Christians - DIE! This is not slander: recently died when a foreign head of the Russian church Lavr, it was announced to the whole country, that he would perform his HIGHER MISSION - DEAD!

Strange, is not it true!? I always thought that the higher purpose of the people - live in dignity, in all conscience, to his spiritual growth, etc. It turns out that no,

It turns out that a higher human purpose - DEATH! Sorry, not just rights but HRISTIANINA!

Then a logical question: why so long Christian fret, suffering, etc.?! Why not immediately implement this TERTIARY MISSION?

But then, who would be slave labor in the fields and factories, then, who will create benefits for social parasites?!

No, social parasites do not need, and need to get people mixed this philosophy lamb served on the social parasites, and most importantly, that does not buntoval! And it is here for what and for whom:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Why do you weigh out the money for something that is not bread, and gained your productions - for not satiates? Let me, and vkushayte good, and enjoy the FAT YOUR SOUL.
3. Listen and come to me, listen, and your soul is alive, and I will make you VECHNY UNION - in reward for its continued piety David.

4. For a witness for the people, I put it VLASTELINOM and Lord of the peoples.
5. Here, you prizovesh people who did not know, and people did not knew you pribezhit to you to fulfill your will - for the sake of the holy God of Israel, because he VOZVELICHIL you.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

( «Pentateuch and gaftarot». Book «Dvarim», Yeshayagu, LV, 2-5, in 1187, Publishing House «Bridges culture», 2004, ISBN 5-93273-047-1.)

It turns out, God Yahweh, YEVE (Jehovah) - CONCLUDED with the Jews VECHNY UNION And the people of Israel and master VLASTELINOM PEOPLE! And for the LORD God of the Jews only demanded the unconditional subordination of yourself!

Very much it resembles a deal with the devil when it comes to religious language!

Here are just a blood ... not enough to stamp this deal! And, strangely enough, the same can be found, and blood for the transaction and the transaction should make every Jew:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
15. Every first of all flesh, opening the womb, which will bring God, the people and the cattle, you will, but you have to redeem the firstborn of the people and the firstborn of unclean animals.

16. A ransom him: when it will be a month, redeem him for the assessment: five silver shekels to shekelyu sanctuary, twenty coins «Gera» he said.

17. But first of bulls, or the firstborn from the sheep or goats is not the first of redeem - they are holy, their blood OKROPLYAY an altar, and the fat in their voskurivay ognepalimuyu victim, and the fragrance, sweet God.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

( «Pentateuch and gaftarot». Book «Dvarim», Korah XVIII, 15-17, with 915, Publishing House «Bridges culture», 2004, ISBN 5-93273-047-1.)

As seen from this passage in the Torah, every Jew MUST SKREPIT their union with God Yahweh-IEGOVA KROVYU! Initially, and the blood of his own firstborn, which clearly can be seen from this passage TORAH!


Redemption of the first - it has DENGAMI his ZHERTVOPRINOSHENIYA!

It would not be such a sacrifice - there would have been no ransom for him! We need only to read the writing and thinking about what is written! In the future, the Jews

was allowed to sacrifice not his first, a child GOEV! But it is - a separate topic of conversation, yet will continue to review «flight» ...

As was clear from the above passages TORAH, «elected» God Yahweh-Iegovoy people of their blood skreplyal its alliance with the «God»! And this is certainly an example of «high spiritual» IUDAIZMA!

But here and Judaism, if the discussion is about Christianity?!

And besides, that the Old Testament there are several changes to GOEV Torah, which just came off the most urgent areas and those that were not designed for the eyes GOEV!

And most importantly - HRISTIAN GOD IS ALL THE SAME GOD Yahweh-IEGOVA!

Do Jews and Christians - one God!

What this «GOD» requires GOEV Christian clear - resignation of slave life and all the injustices, and for that after the death of true HRISTIANIN falls into PARADISE! With that, I think, all and all is clear and there is no doubt!

Let us now «look», what is required of the Jews, from his chosen people, the same God, Yahweh IEGOVA? Yahweh, the God of the Jews, Jehovah requires blind obedience

his beliefs and binding union with the blood. He demands that his chosen people, and that he promised them for faithful service to me? Let us look for the answer to the same TORE:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. For behold, MRAC POKROET LAND and haze - the people and over you VOSSIYAET Light of God's glory and it will be over you.
3. And shall walk YOUR PEOPLE IN THE LIGHT and kings - with BLESKE SIYANIYA TVOEGO.
4. Raise your eyes, oglyanis round and see: they are all gathered from countries of exile and come to thee, thy sons come from afar, and daughter YOUR next to kings VOSPITYVATSYA WILL.
5. So you see, and vossiyaesh and depth of joy and is the heart of gratitude - for TVOIM ALL BECOME A wealth of Western countries, the wealth of the peoples will move to you.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9. For me the islanders stekutsya and ships from Tarshina ahead - to lead SONS TVOIH from far away and GOLD SILVER OF THEIR with them: in the name of God, thy God, and all-holy God of Israel, as he adorns the splendor of you.

10. And will the peoples of other people's sons to build your walls, and the kings of them will wait for you, because angry stabbed I'll strike, but will be happy to take pity on you.

11. And open the gate you will always, no day or night they will not be shut to NESLI YOU WEALTH people and their kings will be given as slaves.

12. For the people and the kingdom that they would not serve you, die, and cut off TO THESE PEOPLE.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16. And will you drink milk, TAKE ALL THE BEST The people of the king's breast milk to drink, and know that I am - God, the Savior and Izbavitel thy Lord Jacob.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

( «Pentateuch and gaftarot». Book «Dvarim», Yeshayagu LX, 2-5, 9-12, 16, from 1286-1288, Publishing House «Bridges culture», 2004, ISBN 5-93273-047-1.)

Interestingly obtained from GOEV Christian God Yahweh-IEGOVA DEMANDS OF THE SMIRENNO RABSKUYU share, and the same Lord GOD OFFERS OF FAVORITES

People are people as slaves, A WEALTH OF THESE PEOPLE - IN THE FORM OF AWARDS FOR faithful service! SOLE POLICY difference between Judaism and

Christianity in admission or non-JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH God!

The same Lord God, one «HOLY BOOK» - the Torah, only GOEV removed from the Torah most candid moments, revealing the true essence of this book. It is not accidental states - ГОЙ SHOULD READ TORU, his NEED Kill!!

Thus, the principal difference between iudaistami and Christians - in their belief in the same God, the Lord is that some admit only the Messiah of God of Moses and

NEW awaiting the Messiah, while others recognize the messiah of God and Moses and Jesus, and await his second coming! All other differences are secondary!

And what is one and the same God, Yahweh IEGOVA Jews promises heaven on earth and all people as slaves, and the WEALTH of those people - as a reward for faithful

service, and the people whom he promised to the Jews as slaves, promised VECHNUYU paradisiacal life after death, if they SMIRENNO TAKE UGOTOVANNUYU

They have RABSKUYU SHARE! And those who do not like so much - promised COMPLETE DESTRUCTION!

And that the Lord God is the archpriest Evgeny Sokolov, as well as other Christian priests, regardless of which branch of Christianity they are!

Up to what extent they have reached blindness that can not see the obvious! And these people have not only betrayed VERU their ancestors, but have become loyal servants of those who turned their own people to slaves!

The question then arises: Who are these people who have dedicated themselves to serving such a GOD!?

If they are Russian-based tribe, then they PREDATELI its own people, and if they IUDEYSKOGO-based tribe, then it becomes quite clear

Why are they trying to impose Russian and other peoples goyskim their religion! And that more clearly outline what a «spirit» brings Russian and other

Populations of Christianity, a return to our recent past, at the beginning of the 20 th century, during the «Russian» 1917 revolution and the ensuing civil war after her!

Indeed, by early 20 th century Christian church has thousands of years dominate spiritual realm Russian people! From the cradle, people went to church, where

priests read them «sacred Scripture», sermon, called for humility and the proportion of slavery, brought them to the «high» Christian morality!

Question one: how the «vysokomoralnye» people in a far from perfect moment Almost all of these «Good Christians» has become the MOST THESE MORAL URODOV? When they cut each other throat, raped, suffering and taunted other «good» Christians, robbed and humiliated others!

But until quite recently, and they and others went to the same church, praying to the same Lord God, listen to the same priest! And «suddenly», as a wave of «magic wand», have become the ugly creatures!

Of course not, how such a «high spirituality» a slave, you can talk!? And what is the most terrible - spiritual slaves! No sooner had someone say to someone to allow that they

can rape, murder, plunder, and that all these acts for the benefit of «new» brighter future in which they have already, and they are the Lord, and others will have their slaves, and they are all there and then forgot about the «high spirituality» .

And polilas Russian rivers of blood, and a brother went to the brother, son against his father, a daughter against her mother, and destroyed millions of people, and all this was done by hands

PEOPLE Many generations whose LIVE UNDER «СИЯНИЕМ» «HIGH» DUHOVNOSTI Christian Church for thousands of years!

If a person has high spirituality, it will not disappear in one day, as

happened in 1917! And it would be understandable if such a transformation has occurred in a small number of people, so not all of this happened just something the overwhelming

Most «good» »Christians! According to another and could not have people who are inspired from the cradle that they were slaves, and that they be written, based on all slaves, and slaves to become spiritual, and it is inevitable!

It was on such a «spirit» and man archpriest Evgeny Sokolov! But in the Vedic tradition of Russian our ancestors always said: «We are the children and grandchildren Dazhdboga!»! Note, not slaves, and children and grandchildren!

Never in the Russian space was not slavery! People have always been free, even prisoners of war were not slaves in the fullest sense of the word. Any plennomu

the enemy, came to Russia in arms will be punished hard for several years. Captured enemies distributed among soldiers, and they returned to the battlefield;

started his business, interrupted by the attack of enemies. The prisoners worked together with the owner, ate from the same table with him, and after a designated period, prisoner of his own volition, or returning to their homes or to stay and find yourself

Bride of Slavs and received full rights as everyone else. So, it can not even approach called slavery!

Our ancestors recognized the hard punishment, but has never been recognized that one man the other! Social organism in which there is no slavery,

principle is in itself speaks to the high moral and spiritual level of the society. And the level of several orders of magnitude higher level of social organisms, BASED ON SLAVERY!

But in social organisms, which led to slavery, and having such religion as Cult Osiris, the cult of ATIS, the cult ADONISA ... Cult DIONISIYA AND

Cult CHRIST! All of these cults are united only one thing - they appear only in the country, where he reigned SLAVERY! And they were intended only to

keep the slaves in slavery, to give to these people «explanation» of why they were slaves, and that they need to do to get rid of it.

And give them with only one option - all the office receives only after his death, and if not humbly accept their share of a slave, after the death and did not get this - goes to hell, where a thousand times worse than slavery!

On a «high» spirituality can speak with such a social system and religion to justify slavery and substantiating!

So, spirituality is not brought to the Russian space Greek religion, spiritual and physical PORABOSCHENIE Russian and other people that never knew slavery - not Dukhovny, NOTHING PERSONAL!

So, archpriest Evgeny Sokolov or full slepets or betrayer of his own people, if he tries to impose on people's religion, which is the spiritual and

physical enslavement of peoples, all peoples, not just Russian. And who he really is, let chooses - or accept that he was sleptsom, or accept that he is a traitor! The right choice for him!

If he had wanted sleptsom and sight - always get help, but if he fanatical slepets, then it is even worse traitor! Traitors, though aware of his betrayal, and

fanatical slepets even that is not in a position to understand. And if the fan is a rude, it is already diagnosed. Check now protoireya Evgeny Sokolov at VEZHESTVO:

«... That's just the point that Levashov almost never refers to any source either. In this «academic» way to broadcast, and the fact that he said all

should be seen as neprerekaemuyu truth. Now it is ugly, that is, in this

Article - this is quoting the Holy Scriptures. Always there was a general rule: if you quote Holy Scripture literally, you should indicate the title of the book chapter and

verse. Levashov quoted the Bible repeatedly. The second and third sheets posted six lengthy quotations claiming biblical text, but none of the quotations are not

accompanied by a common link. And immediately striking distortion of the biblical text in the citation, in any case, if synodical translation of the Bible. How can both handle Scripture is not that clear? »(« Live to see the Golden Age ... », archpriest Evgeny Sokolov.)

When you read these lines, except no one is surprised. And the most ridiculous, is not surprised that the way the author is trying to offend, does not exist! Surprised

ignorance author of the article! I understand that it is my books and articles not read it to me as
once it is clear, I do not understand why he did not know the Old Testament, or very badly know it? Or, he wrote an article with somebody's word, or anything he did not understand what writing!

To both a substitute - we have a try! The thing is that in my article «On the prophets, and in general lzheprorokah ...» quotations are given from outside the Old Testament and from the Torah!

And what is most ridiculous is the fact that I set out in the article itself! And there are not six lengthy quotations, but only one QUOTATION, which contains six verses from TEXT

TORAH! And not just quote from the Torah, but also to indicate precisely the place from which this quotation is taken, until the page! And is this link at the bottom of the page where it actually made to be!

Here is how the «sacred» father did not see the link, it is «one God knows»!!! And to no one, it was clear that this is the case - quote from their article:

«... As I mentioned, the Old Testament is somewhat different from the Torah, from the Pentateuch« just »remove some« sharp »moments ... and more! And one of the «critical» points I would like to draw attention lyuboznatelnogo reader:

1. All that I have commanded you, STRICTLY ISPOLNYAYTE; not added TO THIS NOTHING and nothing is unbroken by this.
2. If the rise in the medium of your PROROK or SNOVIDETS and will give you a sign or miracle.
3. And there will be signs and wonder, to which he referred to say: «will follow by the gods, which you did not know, and will serve them».

4. That not listening to the words of the prophets of this or SNOVIDTSA, the IBO ISPYTYVAET YOU GOD, VSESILNY YOUR to see Do you like God, VSESILNOGO your all your heart and with all your soul.

5. For God Vsesilnym you, go, and his fear, and obey his commandments, and his voice listen. And it serves, and it prilepites.

6. A PROROK one or SNOVIDETS that death should be made for what he says crimes against VSESILNOGO your God who brought you out of the country

Egypt and delivered you from the house of bondage - that SBIT you with ways in which God commanded thee, VSESILNY thy GO; ISKORENI evils ENVIRONMENT FROM YOUR ... »

( «Pentateuch and gaftarot». Book «Re» XIII, 1-6, 1163-1168 s Publishing «Bridges culture», 2004, ISBN 5-93273-047-1.)

Rather, Archpriest Eugene Sokolov TORU not read, and understood it as nothing, a Christian priest, a rabbi is not! A pity, perhaps, if it at least once, read

Toru, who knows how he would have reacted to the information which it is written is not even a secret code, and is open! But on the other hand, he drew attention to the fact that the Torah

very slightly different from the Old Testament: «... And immediately striking distortion of the biblical text in the citation ...». The distortion of the biblical text ... and it recognizes

the priest, head of the department of Arkhangelsk and missionary dioceses Holmogorskoy! This is only himself, confirmed all the conclusions that I made in his article!

But not only of the above causes a storm of outrage from the Holy Father! No less outrage at the «sacred» father is the fact that I am an atheist! Interesting is not your «friends comrades» hang a label on me okkultista, although they have tried to do it! Oops! Now «sacred» fathers are not satisfied with what I am an atheist - I do not believe in the existence of the Lord God!

Incidentally, the word Occult only recently taken appellative value. Turning to the origins of the word, it is found quite a «picture»:

«The word occult comes from the Latin word occultus (clandestine, hidden, secret), referring to" knowledge of the hidden ". In the medical sense it is used to refer to a structure or process that is hidden, eg an "occult bleed" may be one detected indirectly by the presence of otherwise unexplained anaemia ... »

(Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia, the free encyclopedia.)

«The word occult came from the Latin word occultus (secret, hidden, secret), refers to -« hidden knowledge ». In medicine is used to refer to the structure or process, which are hidden, such as «occult bleed» - hidden bleeding, which can be determined only indirectly, through the emergence of inexplicable anemia ».

As you can see from this explanation of the encyclopedia, the original meaning of the word occultism was very different than investing in it today. This word diskreditirovano

specifically, how and distorted the value of many other words in the Russian language. An example of such distortion of original meaning can be a word «sedition», «kramolnik».

Now the word refers to riot, unlawful action. And even close to the original meaning had nothing in common with the modern understanding. The word «sedition» arose

with the merger in a few words - to the pier and RA treatment meant to the Sun and, therefore, the word «kramolnik» meant solntsepoklonnika!

This example shows how drastically, for whatever reason, the meaning of the words has changed over time, until the opposite, or nothing at all has to

original meaning. This is the case, to clarify the picture. So, when did not hang up on me a label «okkultista», decided to change its tactics and has attacked me as atheist:

«... Let's look at the list of the most prominent atheists, who famous for his deeds. Well, first of all: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Ulyanov, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Sverdlov, Gorbachev - the most well-known politicians, philosophers, economists from the

atheists. Let us recall the academician, president VASHNIL Lysenko, who spark-plug scientific power has made the prohibition of genetics in our country for many years.

You can recall a number of academics, atheists, who have demonstrated leadership of the country (some of doctoral dissertations is re), which cybernetics - лженаука, «selling girl imperialism »...»

( «Live to see the Golden Age ...», archpriest Evgeny Sokolov.)

Virtually all of the names belong to the creators of the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism! But how the teachings maksizma-Leninism is to atheism?!

Indeed, from the very beginning of Marxism-Leninism were dogma, a new religion, where any doubt the truth of «permanent» exercises capital! The fact that they have declared themselves as atheists, does not mean anything.

Marxism-Leninism - that the next and final stage for the seizure of power in their hands the Jews, in full accordance with the requirements of Torah.

Just imposed on the Russian people the Jews Christianity fulfilled its task and prevented the transition to the next phase of implementation of the seizure of Jewish power. But

Christianity has made its case - made the most of the people in the physical and spiritual slaves. This is the foundation of the Jews was necessary to implement an open seizure of power in the Russian Empire and then the rest of the world.

The bloody truth twentieth century confirms the correctness of the above. Without the yoke of Christianity is the Millennial would never have happened, because it happened in line with psychology of slaves, not free people, our ancestors were koimi to impose by force of Christianity.

Virtually all of the «sacred» father people were Jews. Karl Marx came from a family of rabbis, and belonged to the Levites - the Jewish elite. As he, and all of the list belonged to a secret Jewish societies. For

fool the illiterate people Karl Marx «created» pseudo-doctrine, the essence of which is reflected in his work «Capital». In this exercise, it is quite cleverly manipulating empty concepts, created a false doctrine.

The most important thing is that he may not for a moment doubted that what you want this teaching - to force the masses to teach the Jews «on tarelochke Blue kaemochkoy» long-awaited power and wealth, which they promised God Yahweh, Jehovah. And yet - according to the plan, which social parasites carried out more than one thousand years.

Each generation of Jews, like ants, built for their distant descendants of the foundation, which is able to realize their descendants in the 20 th century! And to make sure that this is so

and occurred after the «Russian revolution» of 1917, just read the book Andrew Wild «Jews in Russia and the USSR» (Novosibirsk, Izd «cultural and educational enterprise« Blagovest », 2005, ISBN 586117014-2.).

And again, it once again proves that «Father» never read my books, because in the book «Russia in the curves of mirrors» I have all the details!

For social parasites, it was not important, how many generations of elected servants will work on the implementation plan for the seizure of world domination. Each generation of Jews

blindly carry out «a» plan at this stage. First was the initial phase of capital accumulation, where the Jews have created the world trading floor and dictated all the conditions, zagonyaya people in financial bondage.

In parallel, they are everywhere where there imposed religion type cult Osiris, Adonis, Atisa, Dionysus, Jesus Christ. These religions appear wherever there Jews, or as a «refugees» or as traders. Judah faktorii everywhere becomes the center of «new» religions! And this is an objective reality, not fantasy!

Why is no one asked why these religions appear wherever there Jews!? And why, after the emergence of religions, civilizations, in which they appeared, quickly went to the sunset and quickly disappeared from the historical arena! ".

When the formation of social organisms led to obezlichivaniyu capital, accumulated capital Jews were put in motion, and they began to monitor not only financial but also economic, cultural and scientific development of civilization, and to immediately

begun to destroy the moral and ethical standards of peoples, not only through the established and imposed his religion, but also through the media, which quickly proved their hands!

And when the right moment, there is «teaching» Marxism-Leninism, which was «accidentally» was set up again, the Jews, and they also realized, at the same Jewish navorovannye capital, and the result was a GENOCIDE AND RUSSIAN

Other indigenous peoples of Russia, the destruction of real, but not Fictitious MILLION PEOPLE AND NOT JUST million - and scores!

So, too inappropriate «sacred» father gave the names as «pillars» atheism! Again he «shot past»!

In closing his article, I would like to mention another aspect, who noted in his article archpriest Evgeny Sokolov - the cleaning of water pollution

Arkhangelsk Region. I see no sense to rewrite part of his article «On the prophets, and in general lzheprorokah ...»! In this article I gave an exhaustive answer to this question with the facts, not assumptions, which relies «sacred» father.

I can only assume that in the face of archpriest Evgenia Sokolova, we have found a new «Martyr», kreschenskuyu ready to drink the water, blessed with the most «cool»

father, which poured a little of the content of sewage, sewage pipes little content factories and plants ... and for the full «cocktail» - a little rocket fuel, because of its concept, «sacred» and water after such supplements should remain crystal clear ...

Nicolai Levashov, 4 Aug., 2008

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