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Сайт академика Н. Левашова найти просто [17]
Сайт академика Н. Левашова найти просто. Николай Викторовичь Левашов — о русском учёном и исследователе, удивительнейшем человеке современности.
The site of academician N.Levashov [15]
Is a site about Nikolay Viktoroviche Levashov — the Russian scientist and the researcher, the most surprising person of the present. The reasonable consciousness - is the site partner
Видео Н.Левашов [6]
социальные паразиты – приложили титанические усилия для того, чтобы поработить и хотя бы частично уничтожить славяно-ариев. Они до смерти боятся, что мы узнаем, кто мы такие на самом деле, и кто они! Они боятся, что мы поймём, что мы не рабы и никогда ими не были. Видео Н.Левашов.
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нравственность честность лидер барак обама москва 2009 хаос правительство Петров обман levashov Врата Междумирья Зомби прогнозы Шанс коба разум мышление раса предсказания закон иллюзия Космоэнергетика магия Мошенники ФРС США AMERO Амеро украина КРЫМ правда выбор Дух времени Идея США русские Николай Левашов сущность мозг сознание Разумное душа создатель апокалипсис власть мир АтмосферА змея пространство Америка Европа Африка катастрофа экономика Кудрин Афера масоны человек Путин Медведев еврей иудеи сионисты война евреи народ Жид Россия ксенофобия земля Н.Левашов Мидгард-Земля Нибиру звезду Немезида планета Смерти планета-Х КОБ 2012 латонного отражение перехода Поля Проект Россия 2012 год градус волосатость Глобальные катастрофы передел сфер влияния Приемник природные аномалии Солнце Высшие зло начало Суда пацаны пророчества время сатана 33 градус дельта дьявол звезда Давида потусторонний мир история Ю.Бабиков вспышки революция человечество Миссия В.В.Путин президент Ю.А.Бабиков Администрация А.Собчак А.Чубайс еврейское лобби ложи РФ 2009 год Солнце. Freeglobus перемены раскачка земли 2009 год доллар кризис Цена нефть Кора Солнца космос Библейские картинки Доту Е. Блаватскую Е.И.Рерих К.П.Петров КПЕ Ночь Сварога видео Н.Левашов Границы Миров ложь Темные силы Тёмные силы «черные» технологии медитация психоэнергетика Иерархи zolotorjov катаклизмы Англия Декабрь Инверсия Кора Земли Магнитные Силовые Линии еврейская империя Инсайдер конец света Люцифер дефляция доктор философии инфляция Мартин Д. Веисс воля новые даты. Враг вспышка солнца геомагнитные плиты Земли мировоззрение путешествия во времени Дефицит рублей концепция кризис потребления М.Хазин levashov.info социальные паразиты видео Нимизида Планета Х - Nibiru (Нибиру) законы природы противоречие пьяница В.В.Жириновский лжец Сергей Кургинян Кургинян Русский Сталин землетрясения духовность Бабиков матрицы «социальных паразитов» Вселенная глобальное потепление Игры США метеорологическое оружие венецианский купец Глеб Павловский монтизация долга безработица в США kurginyan.ru Видео Кургинян
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Главная » Статьи » Сайт академика Н. Левашова, вся правда о сущности » The site of academician N.Levashov

Site Academician Nikolai Levashova
Ads Site "forecasts"

1. On a matter of fact, the mind and the minds of many others ...

Site Academician Nikolai Levashova www.levashov.info contains unique information. That you will not find anywhere else and do not see. Brilliant

scientist, writer, poet, painter, a powerful psychic and healer of all known today, shares its information, its knowledge. This knowledge

centuries utaivalis and distorted ... they were sent to the fire, or simply killed potihomu ...

2. Last resort to Humanity

Uploaded unique book academician Nikolai Levashova «last resort to Mankind». It clearly and simply set out the alphabet and

Grammar sokrovennyh knowledge about the origin and evolution of life on Earth, the birth and death, about diseases and their causes, space and brothers in mind ... www.levashov.info / books.html

3. «Irregular Universe»

For the first time in Russia issued a mass circulation of the fundamental work of Academician Nikolai Levashova «Irregular Universe»,
which reveal the most exciting and intriguing mysteries of the origin and evolution of life on Earth and in space ... www.levashov.info / books.html

4. Essence and the Mind

The essence of mind and ... Want to know the whole truth? About you, of our civilization on our planet? About us
the mind, evolution, consciousness? On the nature of our minds, thinking about karma? About the purpose of our lives and how to achieve it? You here - www.levashov.info / books.html

5. Canoe Video sessions

Improving video sessions academician Nikolai Levashova copy of the video section. Simple, effective and even free. Ozdoravlivaytes health. The effect is more evident in the constant and regular use of ... www.levashov.info / video.html

6. Zamalchivaemaya history of Russia

«Zamalchivaemaya history of Russia». This article by Academician Nikolai Levashova (thoughts from the book «Russia in the curves of mirrors») did not leave indifferent.

It described the amazing facts and discoveries related to our history and our lives, skillfully iskoverkannoy and going in the right to some wrong track ... www.levashov.info / articles.html

8. How to stop hurricanes

How to stop hurricanes - «Ukroschat stroptivyh» - tells the publication of Academician Nikolai Levashova placed on its website www.levashov.info

She tells of an entirely unknown to the fantastic possibilities of men armed with knowledge. He becomes subject to not only our own destiny, but also the elements ...

9. Source of Life

«Source of Life» - another interesting publication of Academician Nikolai Levashova placed on its website www.levashov.info, says that,

using a special generator - the source of life - by having a phenomenal experiments in his estate in France and reaffirm Slavic Ariyskie Vedas ...

10. The theory of the universe and objective reality

«The theory of the universe and objective reality». This article by Academician Nikolai Levashova placed on its website - www.levashov.info / articles.html --

a story about a sudden and nepriglyadnoy role of science in today's life and fate of humanity ...

11. Last night Svaroga
«Last night Svaroga». This interesting article by Academician Nikolai Levashova
simply and clearly explains the most important and surprising events of the past and present of our planet and civilization - www.levashov.info / articles.html

12. Russia in the curves of mirrors

«Russia in the curves of mirrors». The site posted the 1 st volume of the new book by Academician Nikolai Levashova, in which he for the first time very clearly and justified

talks about how and from where came the Russian land, we and our civilization, and why those opposed to us for many centuries ... www.levashov.info / books.html # 09

13. You - wizard ...

- You - wizard? - Alexander Prokhanov asked in an interview taken from the Academician Nikolai Levashova last October. - It is - it is not magic,

and knowledge and the necessary capacity, used in the right place at the right time - answered Nikolay Levashov ... http://www.levashov.info/articles.html

14. Canoe Video sessions

Improving video sessions academician Nikolai Levashova posted on the website in the section Video. Simple, effective and even free.

Copy and use on health. The effect is more evident in the steady and carefully use ... www.levashov.info / video.html

15. Potential Reason

In September, a presentation of a new book by Academician Nikolai Levashova «Opportunities Reason». Sales of this and other books the author carried out

network of stores across Russia and other Commonwealth countries. Details - in ads on the site - www.levashov.info / notices.html

16. Russia in the curves of mirrors

«Russia in the curves of mirrors». The site vylozhena new book Academician Nikolai Levashova: «... Any malomalski educated man is aware that

history is written on the order of holding power and overwritten on their demands and desires ... »- www.levashov.info / books.html

17. The mirror of my soul

The mirror of my soul - this biography interesting and surprising man - Academician Nikolai Levashova. Here you can read about such events and phenomena,

a man, which has never signed nor a "serious" academic world, nor the most daring fantasty ... www.levashov.info / about.html

18. Pictures of the Soul

The paintings, created by Academician Nikolai Levashov, speak volumes. And to see it, not at all be a professional. Just look at them carefully and try to understand ... www.levashov.info / painting.html

19. Recommendations

Recommendations Academician Nikolai Levashova are friendly advice in the areas of science, literature, art, journalism, health,
spiritual development and in other critical areas of our lives. They are solely for the information and benefit of readers ... www.levashov.info / advices.html

20. Nicolai Levashov and his work

«Nicolai Levashov and his work» - Doctor of Medicine article by Barbara Kupman from the U.S., where she shares her memories of school and work with

Academician Nikolai Levashovym in the last ten years of residence in this country ... www.levashov.info / articles.html

21. Russia in the curves of mirrors

«Russia in the curves of mirrors». The site posted the 1 st volume of the new book by Academician Nikolai Levashova, in which he for the first time very clearly and justified

talks about how and from where came the Russian land, we and our civilization, and why those opposed to us for many centuries ... www.levashov.info / books.html # 09

22. Uploaded 1 st that «Russia in the curves of mirrors»

At the site of the author for a free copy posted 1 second volume of the new book by Academician Nikolai Levashova «Russia in the curves of mirrors». In this book, it is the first time

clearly justified and explains how and from where came the Russian land, we and our civilization, and why those opposed to us for many centuries ... www.levashov.info / books.html # 09

23. A unique book - «Russia in the curves of mirrors»

At the site of the author for a free copy posted 1 second volume of the new book by Academician Nikolai Le vashova «Russia in the curves of mirrors». Uniqueness

the book is that its author fearlessly tells the truth, one whole truth and nothing but the truth ... www.levashov.info / books.html # 09

24. A unique book in the public domain

For a free copy vylozhena new book Academician Nikolai Levashova «Russia in the curves of mirrors». The uniqueness of the book is

that in it the author tells the truth, one whole truth and nothing but the truth ... www.levashov.info / books.html # 09

23. Lectures Academician N. Levashova

Public lectures and academician Nikolai Levashova in Russia can be purchased on CD-ROM or DVD, using
coordinates given on the site of the author - http://www.levashov.info/revival.html

24. News Site

Our Site Nicholas Levashova. Much of what is published here, and may even be called all the wonders ... But it is not surprising. Across

Some time after the acquisition of knowledge, level of consciousness and capacity, «beautiful» skills become familiar ... www.levashov.info / newsletter.html

Категория: The site of academician N.Levashov | Добавил: forecasts (30.01.2009)
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